Acquisition of residential portfolio with 265 apartments in Malmö, Sweden
- Price: SEK 600 million
- Area: ~22,000 m²
- Seller: PP Pension (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Willhem (SE)

Divestment of the office property Välmågan 9 in Stockholm, Sweden
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: 20,500 m²
- Buyer: DWS (DE)
- Sole financial adviser to Invesco (US)

Divestment of the office property ‘Solna Port’ in Stockholm, Sweden
- Price: SEK ~2 billion
- Area: ~41,000 m²
- Buyer: Fastpartner (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Areim (SE)

Divestment of mixed use portfolio in Eskilstuna, Sweden
- Price: SEK ~700 million
- Area: ~80,000 m²
- Buyer: Regio (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Kungsleden (SE)

Divestment of Nordic Living residential portfolio in Denmark
- Price: DKK 1.128 billion
- Area: 38,000 m²
- Buyer: Heimstaden (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to NREP (DK)

Divestment of mixed use portfolio in Stockholm and in western Sweden
- Price: SEK ~1.8 billion
- Area: ~174,000 m²
- Buyer: Sinoma Fastighets AB (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Castellum (SE)

Divestment of the office property Neptunus 31 in Stockholm, Sweden
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: 4,700 m²
- Buyer: Sparbössan Fastigheter (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Gamla SEB Trygg Liv (SE)

Divestment of mixed use portfolio in Västerås, Sweden
- Price: SEK 345 million
- Area: 41,500 m²
- Buyer: Stendörren (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Castellum (SE)

Divestment of residential and public use portfolio in Höganäs, Sweden
- Price: SEK 289 million
- Area: ~19,000 m²
- Buyer: SBB i Norden (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Jefast (SE)

Divestment of Fredriksberg A office property in Helsinki, Finland
- Price: EUR 45 million
- Area: ~9,000 m²
- Buyer: Swiss Life Asset Managers (CH)
- Sole financial adviser to NCC Property Development (SE)

Divestment of office property Erottajankatu 15-17 in Helsinki, Finland
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: ~3,700 m²
- Buyer: Undisclosed
- Sole financial adviser to Niam (SE)

Divestment of three office properties in Helsinki, Finland
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: ~53,000 m²
- Buyer: Kielo (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Niam (SE)