Divestment of the office property Kvarngärdet 33:2 in Uppsala
- Price: SEK 149 million
- Area: 2,500 m²
- Buyer: Atrium Ljungberg (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Parkgate (SE)

Sale and lease back of logistic property in Vantaa, HMA
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: 5,700 m²
- Buyer: Aktiivitilat (FI)
- Sole financial adviser to SKS Group (FI)

Acquisition of the KY Building in the Helsinki CBD
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: ~7,000 m²
- Seller: KY Foundation (FI)
- Sole financial adviser to NCC (SE)

Divestment of the office property Ångbåtsbron in Malmö
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: ~9,000 m²
- Buyer: Executive Property (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to AB Cydonia (SE)

Divestment of mixed-use property Vanda 3 in Akalla, Stockholm
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: 63,000 m²
- Buyer: Pictet (CH) and Brunswick Real Estate (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Bonnier Fastigheter (SE)

Acquisition of education property Alba Nova in Stockholm, Sweden
- Price: SEK ~2 billion
- Area: 40,000 m²
- Seller: Statens fastighetsverk (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Akademiska Hus (SE)

Divestment of significant residential portfolio in Denmark
- Price: Approx. DKKbn 2
- Area: 50,000 m²
- Buyer: Velliv & Industriens Pension (DK)
- Seller: NREP (DK)
- Sole financial adviser to NREP (DK)

Acquisition of two logistics properties in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland
- Area: 26,500 m²
- Seller: Keva (FI)
- Sole financial adviser to the buyer

Divestment of residential portfolio with 880 apartments in Östersund, Sweden
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: 62,500 m²
- Buyer: Niam (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to Rikshem (SE)

Acquisition of an office property in Copenhagen, Denmark
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: 5,400 m²
- Sole commercial adviser to PATRIZIA (DE)

Acquisition of a large office property development in Copenhagen, Denmark
- Price: Undisclosed
- Area: 13,200 m²
- Seller: ACCURA Advokatpartnerselskab (future tenant)
- Sole commercial adviser to Velliv (DK) and Industriens Pension (DK)

Divestment of office property Påsen 1 in Stockholm, Sweden
- Price: SEK 441 million
- Area: 10,000 m²
- Buyer: Fabege (SE)
- Sole financial adviser to CapMan Nordic Real Estate (FI)