Greater Copenhagen development pipeline
Approx. 96,000 Planned Units of which 22,200 are Under Construction
Nordanö has analysed the residential development pipeline in all municipalities in the Capital Region as well as Roskilde, Solrød and Køge municipalities (“Greater Copenhagen”). Greater Copenhagen has been divided into four subareas as illustrated on the map below.
Information is based on Nordanö records, publications, company information as well as external databases.
All stages of current and planned residential developments are included from early development plans to ongoing construction work, including conversion projects, student and senior housing.
Public housing (almen bolig) is excluded unless stated otherwise. Unit ownership is allocated on ultimate investor (bygherrer).
Planned Units
All planned residential units in all stages from early development plans to currently Under Construction as of January 2023.
Under Construction
All residential units with ongoing construction as of January 2023.
Construction not Initiated
All residential units with construction not initiated as of January 2023.
Greater Copenhagen
Approx. 96,000 residential units are planned in Greater Copenhagen of which approx. 22,200 (23%) are Under Construction. Of the Planned Units approx. 94,000 (98%) are new constructions, while the remaining are conversions. The overview below lists the subareas individually by descending order of Planned Units.
1. South-West has the largest pipeline with approx. 33,400 Planned Units. The municipalities of Albertslund and Høje Taastrup have the largest pipelines with approx. 5,900 and 4,900 Planned Units, respectively.
2. Copenhagen & Frederiksberg has the second largest pipeline with approx. 29,200 Planned Units. The largest development areas include Ørestad, Sydhavnen, Vesterbro and Nordhavn.
3. North-West has the third largest pipeline with approx. 18,000 Planned Units. The municipalities of Hillerød, Frederikssund and Egedal have the largest pipelines with approx. 6,500, 4,200 and 4,100 Planned Units, respectively.
4. North has the third largest pipeline with approx. 18,200 Planned Units. The municipalities of Hillerød, Frederikssund and Egedal have the largest pipelines with approx. 6,100, 4,600 and 3,000 Planned Units, respectively.
Overview of subareas
Note: The percentages represent the regions’ share of the total Planned Units/Under Construction
The 10 largest investors/developers by total number of Planned Units are shown to the right.
Combined, the 10 largest investors/developers account for approx. 30,900 Planned Units corresponding to approx. 32% of the total development pipeline in Greater Copenhagen.
The majority of all investors/developers’ Planned Units are located in the subarea Copenhagen, Frederiksberg & South-West.
South-West holds the largest number of Planned Units in Greater Copenhagen. The 10 largest investors account for approx. 38% of the total Planned Units in South-West, corresponding to approx. 12,800 units.
10 largest investors/developers by Planned Units
Note: By & Havn owns several plots intended for sale but not currently developable
Jacob Kjær
Partner & Head of Denmark
+45 30 10 24 08