By combining modern financial theory with detailed knowledge of the Nordic property and capital markets, Nordanö helps clients frame, analyse and resolve complex business issues.
Nordanö continuously analyses the Nordic property markets and the listed property companies. Relative valuations and a comprehensive set of key figures for the listed property companies in Sweden, Finland and Denmark are presented in Nordanö’s proprietary Company Overview. Nordanö has an extensive database containing up-to-date information at asset level on property holdings.
Nordanö acts as a strategic adviser to owners, boards and senior management teams in listed property companies, institutional investors, large family offices and other major property owners. Recent assignments include capital and asset allocation reviews, business strategy formulations, hold-sell analyses for sizeable property portfolios, second opinions on valuations, identifications of acquisition candidates as well as analyses of specific asset and geographical market dynamics, drivers and players.
Please read Nordanö’s Research reports.